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Advantage loves working with small and medium sized businesses

It has recently been revealed by Microsoft via a study that small and medium sized businesses grow at a much faster rate if they are using the right technologies in their businesses. 

It goes without saying but SMEs represent over 99% of businesses globally, despite this, the tech sector has largely focused its efforts on helping meet the requirements of large corporations and enterprise level businesses. It is fair to also state that far too many solutions are overpriced, too capability heavy & don’t address some of the most common challenges faced by SMEs. 

The Microsoft study which was published in the Summer of last year, surveyed the main tech decision makers in over 3000 small and medium sized businesses across the world, reviewing technology adoption, tech solutions as well as business results over the course of the year.  

The key findings that came out of the study help to demonstrate how important technology is for small and medium sized businesses: 

Key Finding 1: Growth is the most important priority for SMEs and digital technology is vital in gaining this growth. 

Businesses who invested in technology earlier than their competitors experienced higher revenues and higher rates of confidence in their future business success.  Granted with choppy economic concerns, it can become quite difficult for SMEs to commit to investing in technology, however another way of looking at this is to work out how much it will cost your business for not making the switch? It is safe to say that your business can be future proofed by doing so, this is why at Advantage we offer Quick Start CRM & ERP packages with fixed pricing with no hidden agendas or extras. 

Key Finding 2: SME tech budgets are increasing and along with it a heavy reliance on being supported by Microsoft Gold partners 

If you are an SME business, the likelihood is that you don’t have an in-house IT team or experts on hand to help you to make decisions, therefore you are more reliant on external support from Microsoft partners to help you make the right decisions. Over 33% of SMEs work with Managed Services Providers or Cloud Solutions Providers such as ourselves to make decisions on their technological requirements, thus showcasing exactly why it is so important to find the right IT/Microsoft partner for your business who fully understands the challenges that you face now and in the future. Advantage’s solutions are specifically designed for meeting the requirements of SMEs with Advantage continuing to retain their status as a Microsoft Gold partner. If you are wanting to read more about how we’ve helped SMEs over the years, we got a whole host of case studies available for you to look at

Key Finding 3: Those SMEs that adopt technology earlier than their competitors are helping to drive the shift towards sustainability 

Being able to adopt technology earlier has greater importance than it once did as it helps to demonstrate an SMEs commitment to sustainability through innovation. 99% of SMEs are fully engaged with CSR and being environmentally friendly by setting specific goals around these things. No matter what point you are at in your journey towards CSR/ESG, there are no doubts that technology is a vital part of this solution. To put this into context in the form of an example, making the move to the Cloud in itself can benefit both your business and be good for the environment. Going back to Microsoft’s study, it illustrated the fact that there were clear similarities between businesses who were working towards being good to the environment and those that fully met their objectives.  Here at Advantage, we are fully committed to being sustainable and reducing the impact that our business has on the environment this is one of the reasons why we decided to adopt a hybrid way of working.  

Furthermore, Advantage work with many SMEs across the UK and beyond and we firmly believe that all businesses should have affordable access to the latest CRM and ERP solutions. Our vast experience of working with these types of businesses for a number of years demonstrates the fact that we fully understand the challenges and can deliver proven solutions that can help businesses to sparkle. 

Next Steps? 

If you are an SME who is looking to invest in your future by making the move to the Cloud via one of our Quick Start CRM or Quick Start Business Central solutions, then give us a call today to discuss your specific business needs. 

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