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What benefits can come from using data visualisation tools such as Microsoft Power BI?

It goes without saying but data visualisation is one of most important elements of any Business Intelligence solution. It allows people to showcase highly complex data in a visual context such as a chart or graph, spot trends that can’t be seen from just numbers as well as reveal any patterns across the board. 

In this blog article, we will take you through some benefits of using data visualisation tools such as Power BI. 

Better decision making 

You will be able to collate engaging and interactive visuals through the use of data visualisation. From this, you will be able to review and analyse data quickly through the use of a dashboard. This will mean that it can help a great deal in the decision-making process as well as help to improve the overall collaboration and communication in the business and help to reduce data imprecision. Consequently, you will be able to make much more data driven and informed decisions which will help to increase the size of your company. 

Spot relationships between business operations and results faster 

You will find that a relationship is the single most important part of an analyst’s armoury. This is where data visualisations can help you to find out relationships between certain variables. 

It is of the utmost importance within business intelligence to identify a link between both business functions and market performance. This way you will be able to maintain a competitive advantage, follow links between operations and business performance and make better decisions to remain ahead of the competition and to increase your business growth. 

The ability to analyse trends 

One of the best data visualisation tools in the market, Microsoft Power BI allows your business to perform simple trend analysis. Through this, you can easily review both current and historical events and plot future events such as sales or revenue to grow or slow down over the course of the next year. 

Learn more about hidden patterns and deeper trends 

You will find that data visualisation software can help you to identify hidden trends. Better still, they will enable you to identify patterns and relationships that can’t be found from complex data. This will mean that you will have deeper information and interrelations at your fingertips. 

Better customer sentiment analysis 

Furthermore, it can help you to dive deeper into customer sentiments by showcasing data across charts, graphs, reports rather than through countless spreadsheets. As well as this, it can allow you to gain a firm understanding of your target audience’s main pain points and preferences in addition to using analytics to plan more effective business strategies. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business that is looking to present data in a visually better way through the use of Microsoft Power BI reports to harness the true value of the Microsoft Power Platform then please contact our team of Microsoft experts now to discuss what visuals you need to produce. 

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