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Rethinking Dynamics 365 Support: The Shift from Break-Fix to Consultative Partnerships

In the rapidly evolving landscape of enterprise software solutions, the traditional break-fix model of IT support is quickly becoming outdated, especially for cloud-based platforms like Microsoft Dynamics 365. Dynamics 365's robust architecture, combined with Microsoft's cloud infrastructure, significantly reduces the frequency of system breakdowns. Instead of relying on a reactive break-fix contract, organisations are increasingly turning towards a more proactive and strategic approach by partnering with consultants who offer ongoing support and improvement strategies. This shift from a break-fix to a consultancy approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also unlocks new opportunities for business growth.

Here are five key advantages of opting for a consultancy approach over traditional break-fix contracts for Dynamics 365:

1. Proactive Improvement of System Usage

Consultants offer ongoing advice and insights into how organisations can better utilise Dynamics 365, beyond just fixing issues as they arise. They provide strategic recommendations tailored to the unique needs of the business, helping to optimise processes, improve user adoption, and ensure that the system aligns with the company's evolving goals.

2. Access to Expert Knowledge and Best Practices

Expert consultants bring a wealth of experience and industry best practices to the table. They can guide businesses in leveraging Dynamics 365's full potential, from improving report accuracy and relevance to suggesting the most effective ways to use the platform to achieve strategic objectives. This level of expertise helps organisations stay competitive and agile in a fast-paced market.

3. Enhanced Use of Power Platform for Workflow Improvements

Leveraging the Power Platform, consultants can create custom solutions that extend the capabilities of Dynamics 365. They can automate workflows, build custom apps, and integrate additional functionalities that streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the user experience, thus directly contributing to the bottom line.

4. Strategic Focus on Business Growth

Shifting the focus from merely fixing problems to strategic growth, consultants help businesses identify new opportunities for leveraging Dynamics 365. This approach ensures that technology investments are closely aligned with the broader business objectives, driving growth, and facilitating innovation.

5. Cost-Effective Support Model

A consultancy approach can be more cost-effective in the long run. Instead of incurring costs for every issue fixed under a break-fix contract, businesses benefit from ongoing support and strategic advice that prevents issues from arising in the first place. Moreover, by optimising the use of Dynamics 365, companies can achieve higher ROI on their technology investment.

In conclusion, while the traditional break-fix model may offer a solution to immediate problems, it falls short of addressing the broader needs of businesses leveraging cloud-based platforms like Dynamics 365. A consultancy partnership, on the other hand, offers a more holistic and strategic approach to using Dynamics 365, focusing on continuous improvement, strategic growth, and operational efficiency. By choosing a support partner that acts more like a consultant, businesses can unlock the full potential of their Dynamics 365 investment, paving the way for sustainable growth and competitive advantage.




Next Steps?

If you are looking to move away from your break/fix support model to a more consultative model then then please reach out to our team of professionals who will be able to discuss your specific requirements.