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Are you worried about Perfect Image’s acquisition of Technique to form Cybit?

If you weren’t already aware, back in March of this year, Perfect Image, a UK based Microsoft Dynamics partner acquired Berkshire-based MSP Technique when combined went on to form Cybit. 

After some months following this acquisition and rebranding, should you business be worried about how they are going to support your business now and in the future? 

I have been a Microsoft Dynamics Support customer of Perfect Image for years, should I be worried about this acquisition and rebrand? 

If the answer to the above question is a huge no, then maybe it will do you no harm to evaluate all the other options that are available to your business to see that you are getting the level of support that you deserve? There are no doubts that you chose Perfect Image for a certain reason and acquiring another partner and rebranding probably wasn’t at the top of your list. You may feel that you aren’t getting value for money like you once did prior to the above actions which could potentially be impacting on your bottom line overall. 

You decided on your current partner after a lengthy process that involved lots of research, reviewing case studies as well as discussing your specific requirements with a shortlist of Microsoft Gold partners along with assessing quotations before deciding on which partner to go to. 

After you have made this decision, you discover your partner has decided to expand via an acquisition and then rebranded and all the information you gathered beforehand is basically useless as things have changed. You won’t know anything about the new partner they purchased or the logic behind the rebranding until it's too late or how the service they provide will be impacted now and into the future. 

This means that you won’t be able to access a personalised approach that you picked your current partner for in the first place. This could be a great chance for you to review your current situation and see what else is out there in terms of partners who would better understand your changing needs and are not looking to expand too quickly without considering your business. 

Next Steps? 

If you are a current customer of Perfect Image and have looked over the above and are looking to review all the other options that are available for your business in terms of Dynamics Support or consultancy then don’t waste any more time give our team of Microsoft Dynamics specialists a call to find out how we can help your business or enable you to come and try out our Microsoft Dynamics Support for FREE? 

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